There’s nothing as relaxing and appealing as running outdoors. Along with getting some fresh air, you can get outside, whether on roads or trails, to enjoy the day as it is. But how do you choose the ideal outdoor running route? While you could find a running route online, it’s far more exciting to blaze your own trail.
Choosing your outdoor running route requires asking yourself a number of questions, as well as keeping your safety in mind. ID bracelets can keep you safe while on the run, all so you can stay on your toes, carving the best running route out for you.
What terrain do you like best?
First, ask yourself: where do you most like running? Do you like running on trails or on the roads? Your answer may be decided by the weather conditions of the day, too. For instance, some people love running on trails when it’s raining out because the mud makes it incredibly fun; however, others would prefer to be out on the roads.
Similarly, some runners might prefer to be on the roads with snowy weather, but you may be safer on the trails. This is especially true if there is a lot of black ice out, as cars could be skidding all over the road, which could be a safety hazard.
Going for a run with friends?
You also need to consider whether you’ll be out running with friends. If so, single-track trails, roads and sidewalks may not be the best option. Instead, you’ll likely want a route that provides you with more width so you can run side by side.
Exercising with friends or kicking back?
Further, when running with friends, what will your overall pacing look like? Are your friends the type who want to throw in tempo workouts throughout the run, or are they the type who’d rather run “in the back seat” – unworried with pace, more interested in the journey? Also, what physical shape are they in? Could they handle a run with multiple elevation climbs? Or do they need a run that’s purely flat?
If you’re all down for an adventure, you could benefit from getting out on some hilly trails, while you’re better off on flat roads if you’re looking for either a calm run or tempo workout.
Doing a tempo run?
If you are looking for a speed workout, you could benefit from throwing down a tempo workout. Tempo workouts are a great way to work on your running turnover and overall cardiovascular conditioning. Tempo runs work best on flat terrain, such as open roads and outdoor tracks. However, they can be performed on trails and hills. You’ll want to consider which sounds more preferable to you, whether you feel confident about your footing while running hard on trails or if you’d like doing tracks on an outdoor track.
Tackling some distance?
Preparing to take on a new distance? Going for a run longer than you’ve ever tackled before? First, don’t sweat it, as it’s the objective of every runner. It’s an initiation of sorts for the long-distance runner – the sudden jump to a new distance, which is more a mental game than anything else.
Now, for a route, you’ll want to choose something simpler. Why go simple? As a runner, you never want to increase two stressors at once. For instance, you should increase your mile-pace while also increasing distance. Similarly, you shouldn’t run on tough terrain when increasing distance. For that reason, it’s in your best interest to choose a route that’s comfortable, one that will allow you to take on the longer distance without having to exert more energy elsewhere.
Is safety a worry?
Worried about personal safety, say due to it being too dark out or the weather being crummy? There’s no shame in planning a shorter run in well-lit areas. Get to where you can remain safe, as your safety should always be your highest concern.
Moreover, if you’re worried about your personal safety, say due to an existing medical condition, you should run with a running bracelet. Generally, all runners should run with an ID bracelet, as it allows them to carry their personal info and medical history with them wherever they go. In the event of an accident, they can receive informed help that could keep them safe.
Yet while perfect for any runner, they’re an absolute necessity for runners with existing health conditions like diabetes, seizure disorders or heart disease. If an emergency were to happen, a stranger could identify the root cause via their ID bracelet, ensuring the runner can receive adequate help.
Want a warm winter workout?
With winter approaching, you may be wondering whether an outdoor run is really right for you. There’s no shame in recognizing you don’t want to go for an outdoor run when it’s cold, snowy and icy out.
If you don’t feel like running outside this winter, you can still get in a quality workout on a treadmill. Whether at home or at your local gym, you can get in miles while remaining in a comfortable environment.
Want to just listen to a podcast?
Sometimes, you don’t want to tackle a hard workout. Rather, you want to go for a run and catch up on a podcast. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it may inform the route you want to run.
For some runners, that means choosing a route that is as simple as possible, making for little exertion, where you can just be on your feet for an hour or two. For others, the comfort of a podcast could make a harder workout easy. If you’re in the latter group, you could get out on hilly trails.
Finding your ideal running route takes time and experience. After enough runs, you’ll find what works best for you, leaving you with that runner’s high elation and making every run as fantastic as the last.