Congratulations, you are now proud of your very own popup campers. Whether it is a second hand one or a new vehicle, the important things are, you have to take it out sometime shortly. Probably next weekend or the forthcoming holidays sounds like a good idea.
There is nothing better in life than to see what nature in her full glory has to offer to you. The best way to do that would take a hop on your new possession and go for a ride into the wilderness.
As exciting as it sounds, you will want to make sure that you follow some tent camping tips. That way, you can embark on a safe trip with all the necessary supplies. You certainly do not want to be halfway in the journey, only to realize you forgot to bring your sleeping bags.

Why read our camping hacks?
For some of you, a camping trip might sound like child’s play, where you pop up a few items in your RV and head out. No, it is not. Since, you are new to the camping environment, assuming this is your first camp ride outdoors; we have come up with effective pointers, which can make your trip pleasant and memorable.
Some minor issues faced when camping out for the first time do not know where to place the garbage, the tent campers might sway from side to side as soon as you step inside. Most importantly, you struggle with the toilet system the next morning, leaving you high and dry.
To avoid these minor niggles, which if taken lightly, can cause serious issues as your camping holidays progresses, you are better off knowing how to avoid them with the given below ideas.

1. Plan well ahead of your camping trip

You might be thinking what is so new about this. We plan for a trip, don’t we? By well ahead, it means you take your time to decide on the season during which you want to go for camping outside.
You certainly do not want to be an adventurer by going out during winter or the rainy season. You are not doing any favors to yourself if you go ahead. The ideal time of the year for camping would be during autumn or summer.
Your kids would be having their holidays, and it makes sense to go on a weeklong trip somewhere outdoors. Since you have now decided on the time of the year on camping, you need to enlighten yourself on the items required.
As a camper, you are welcome to decide what goes inside your camping gear and what does not. However, there are some must-haves for your camping trip, without which you might not be able to enjoy your trip.
Do you know how to put up a tent? Do you know how to use a proper gas stove? Do you know to use the camper toilet? Are you confident enough to drive down until the campsite? This is for those of you, who are not comfortable taking long journeys by vehicle.
Sometimes, it can get exhausting and annoying if the weather plays spoilsport. Does your campsite have toilet facility? Does the campsite allow firewood? The list can go on. If you do your homework, the length of the list would surprise you.
Here is a simple suggestion. Please write down everything you will need for your trip. That way, you do not forget anything. The above were some basic pointers on how to get started with your camping trip.
This helps in easing the stress and tension, which may cause down the line. A couple of times, you will find the process easier. The first time is always difficult, and you may find yourself walking in a haze.
2. You must park your camper on the ground that is level

Though it sounds quite obvious and straight forward, even the best of us tend to lose ground once we reach the campsite. Hundred and one things run up in your mind, leaving you in a daze, where you may not be able to figure out, even the simplest of things.
Supposing you reach your campsite in the evening or when it is dark, then you will have troubles unless you have exceptional technology to guide you. Perhaps, your partner or kids can help you out with the parking.
You can take guidance from them. The thing is, when you park on level ground, problems like the swaying of the tent, your tent flipping over when the ground is uneven, and other embarrassing stuff can be avoided.
You will be surprised because of this small error in judgment; several campers have faced funny to serious accidents when camping. You do not believe it; then you are welcome to Google it. Do not be surprised at how careless campers can get.
To help you ensure that your camper is stable on uneven ground, you have struts, which are good enough to get the task done. It enables the camper to be adjusted. If you do not have struts, then consider buying them and saving yourself from embarrassment and time.
Hence, it is imperative that camper is level.
3. The roof your RV must be raised

Again, you might tap your head in disbelief. Yes, it is true. It is the simplest of things that become major issues when you forget to do them at the right time. Like the above two pointers, this one too is often forgotten.
When you want to place items or furniture inside your camper, you must see to that, the roof of your RV is raised properly. If the roof is not raised, then you might not have sufficient space and the side of the tent cloth might keep brushing past you, causing discomfort.
While as simple as it sounds, many campers are in a hurry to retire to bed on the first day. It is understandable; you are tired after a long day’s ride in the RV. Your mind and body are completely exhausted, and you want to do things half-minded and hit the sack.
However, not raising the roof completely causes wear and tear to your camping gear, the tent especially. When you set the bed and want to get up for something, then the chances of hitting something or causing damage to yourself and the equipment is very high.
It is highly advisable that you raise the roof of your camper vehicle to the maximum position and then do other tasks. If you do not know how to raise the roof, then a YouTube tutorial would suffice.
May you want to know: How to rebuild your pop up camper roof
4. You should learn to invest in storage bins

As a new camper, storage space would be the last thing in your mind. However, when you are camping in popup campers, space will become an issue. That is because you will not have the luxury of immense space as in your house or apartment.
While your vehicle might provide you with some storage area, when you have several large items like air conditioner coolers, propane gas, some food items, and so on, that is not enough. Hence, storage space in the form of bins is necessary to have.
It is a good idea to invest in a few of them. Brands who sell them would be Tupperware and Rubbermaid. They are reliable, and their products are good quality. You will want to know that storage bins can cost you.
However, they are worth the investment if you want to become a good camper. You can find them in different shapes and sizes. Depending on your requirements, you might want to choose the size and color.
Choose one depending on your usage. If you were a small family, then medium sized bins would do. However, when you are a large family with 15 or more individuals, then a few large sized bins should suffice.
The need to place all your items inside the camper may not be a good idea. That is what, storage bins are for. Once you finish your camping trip, the bins can then be used for placing items and can be kept in your garage or backyard.
5. Make an effort to have a friendly relationship with other campers

Well, how is this going to help you? That is a good question. While you can always spend money and buy the things you want for your camping trip, there is something which money can’t buy.
For example, you are going on a camping holiday to have fun and adventure — what better way to do it, by sharing your food or supplies with your neighbour. Most of them are genuine and good people with a large heart.
You never know when you might need their help like a tow vehicle. There is an incident where we went on a camping trip, and our RV broke down the next day. Luckily, we bonded well the neighbours the previous night and shared our food with them during dinnertime.
It was a good idea because they let us use their vehicle as a tow and enabled us to reach a good mechanic. This brings another valuable pointer. You will not find immediate help. Hence, food suppliers and medications, if you depend on them, should be on standby.
In case, you did not know; some campers live their full time. You never know the useful advice they could pass on to you. Perhaps, you could make a new friend for life. The odds are endless.
So, do not just sit inside your camper van the whole day. Go outside, take a deep breath of pure air, let is circulating inside your body and says a big hello to your neighbour. Take a walk or jog on the country Side Lake or river with your family and dog.
You will be surprised at the warmth and help it brings back to you.
Read from other online sources
As always, you are welcome to make use of the internet for more ideas and thoughts on pop up camping. You may find new ideas from other blog posts based on the experiences of other bloggers. Perhaps, you might catch something new from there. Probably, you might read a post, written by a likeminded camper.
Each camper has different needs and preferences. The best way to have a pleasant experience with camping in an RV is to develop your knowledge. Hence, I encourage you to read the experiences of other campers.
There you go, with the above pop up camping ideas, you can now try to realize what is good and what is not. Since each of you are not the same and might not have the same tastes and preferences, you are welcome to try out new ideas, which are suitable for you. There is no need to be annoyed or upset with yourself, when things do not work for you, at certain times. Probably, something got wrong without your notice. These things happen and are part of life.
Do not be discouraged to try out new ways save money too when out on RV camping. Camping in a vehicle for the first time is a wonderful experience for all. Camping in a trailer is both interesting and exciting. However, it comes with its own set of rules, which should be followed.
We highly recommend you try camping out with your family if you are yet to do it. The experience will teach you values and principles in life. You will gain a thing or two from the outing. Hope you found this post interesting to read. You are welcome to share your thoughts and new ideas. We will be even gladder to hear from you.
In a few weeks, my brother is thinking about taking a pop-up camper and a couple other RV specials he bought out for a test run. He wants to make sure that everything works properly. I will let him know to seek additional storage through bins to make things more comfortable.
Hope it help 😀